Friday 22 June 2012

Ahoy there!

Well hallo all! I've been doing aloooooooooot of exams recently and havent had much time to blog. But im hoping that i will alot this summer. Tomorrow, Ellie and i are going to do a spot of photography and a few weeks ago i went to sleep at lauras. Since then ive been out and about so im going to post a few pictures below! Talk soon cuties x

Wednesday 23 May 2012

A quick update,

 Hello! Well, it has been a long time hasnt it? So sorry about how long its been! Had my first ever mock exam, got a D:( oh well, i can always try again! I also recently went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour. It was amazing! Myself, dad and Laura couldnt contain our excitment! I now know how awful ButterBeer is. Its pretty much iron brew with cream on top-ERGH. but it was still amazing! we all loved it! Also, i went to see You Me At Six perform in Nottingham. That was amazing. I loved every minute! Well this was only a quick update, so talk soon! kisses xx

Monday 20 February 2012

chit chat and such things.

Hello all!
ive had such a busy week recently, so i'm just going to be chatting on!

Monday night was speant at my chummy Laura's and on tuesday Amy slept over.
the rest of the week is was busy doing this and that and sunday (yesturday) was my birthday!

this saturday will be in cambridge with Laura and Hannah, so no doubt ill do a haul on my youtube:}
ill include a cute picture from the last couple of days, but over all, it was a lovely half term:)

anyways, i hope you all had a fab half term!
chat soon my lovely's<3xxx

Monday 13 February 2012

Review-Woman In Black.

recently, i went to see The Woman In Black at my local cinema. It was one of THE worst experiance for me but of corse i wont tell you the whole story. I went with my friend Amy who, like myself, it pretty brave. When it first started, within the first 5 minutes (approx) Me and Amy were holding hands in fright and i could hardly watch. There is one seen with blood involved, and with my fear of blood, i had to look away, i couldnt look at it. Half way through it was so terrorfying Amy actually screamed and By 3/4 of the way though I was crying. Amy actually said to me at this point "Save my rosie!" 
It sounds stupid, but to try and calm ourselves, Amy and Myself actually resorted to singing 'Old Mcdonald'.
It was awful even though the film is worth seeing. I will admit that its a good film but just terrorfying. 
When the film ended, Amy and Myself had to call my Dad to walk up and meet us because we were that scared to walk the 2 minute walk to my dad's. And we were still holding hands even when we were walking home.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow place like home!

well i haven't posted in a while!

today was our first day in 2012 of snow and wasnt it fab?
My lovely Laura came over to go sledging and cause mayhem with me. of corse we fell over plenty and had barrels full of fun! But in the end we decided it was too cold so we went inside and made some cookies as it was freeeeeezing!

Monday 30 January 2012

the lovely Lauren!

even though these pictures are from a while ago, me and lozza had such a laugh here. We went to town the back to my dads. Shes one of my best friend's and i just had to share this group of picture. She a gourgeous model and she desurves to get all of the lovely comments on her prettiness! This is just a small supply of my photography pictures that i do.

rosie x

Out and About with Amy!

So yesterday (Sunday 29th) i went out causing trouble with my darling friend Amy. Had an ace day and just hadd to share these pictures we took:}  Love her to bits and every time we meet up we always have such a good time. Ill add a few pictures of what we got up to also!

rosie x